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    Health is your only real wealth.



We don’t want to dwell too much on this but honestly looking around at what is happening in our world today is one of many reasons we started building these systems. Unless you have been living under a rock or are completely under the control of the flickering programing device you should be waking up to what is in your food. To the contrary of the old saying that everyone laughs at but seems their lives depict it, the real truth is who dies with the most toys does not win!


Here is an even bigger one. We have all been pushed to believe that shipped long distance, processed to death, highly addictive, so-called food, full of toxic chemicals and pesticides that kill other living creatures, that you pay lots of money for and put into your mouth does not affect your health. This is the absolute biggest lie of them all! Another absolute fact is this. If it is not pure and organic your body cannot assimilate it. It’s not our job to do this, we don’t have roots! It is very important that any and all liquid you drink be organic [without dirt] that would not be Stilled water. That would be un-stilled or distilled water same as is the juice in fruits and vegetables. Really it is not at all complicated in fact it’s just common sense. Fact is it’s all a big con just think of the incredible amount of profit you can make when you figure out how to take dirt and make the exact same formula [but Inorganic formula] that the plants produce.


This means you can then make even more profit in the sick care industry! Just pay attention and watch what all those sick people are buying. All those shopping carts filled up with hundreds of dollars of packages of totally dead, zero frequency stuff.


Please consider this. Not to go too deep into it, here is a simple fact. The brain in your head in the dark only knows electrical impulses. There are three methods of information received here on the physical level 3D realm that manifest you and your reality and that is electricity, magnetism and light and these three forces are interconnected and each one can produce the other so basically it’s just three sides of the same energy stream. So your brain receives this energy stream by way of your 5 receptors, or senses, so if I want to addict or control you all I really need are the very best conductors of electricity to change and manipulate this information stream. Your taste is converted into these electrical impulses same way as all your other senses. Best conductors? Anything that is not organic and Especially Designed Inorganic Chemicals they are #1 on the list of culprits, then things like  heat extracted hydrogenated fats, sugars, and inorganic salts, and if it’s been cooked and processed to the point the cell wall has expanded and exploded then it has become dead inorganic material it’s just that simple.


So here is where it starts to get very serious because your probiotics produce all your vitamins and minerals and they make up 90% of the cells in your body and they must have pure organic material and liquids otherwise they start to die off so now you start to lose the frequency of all your 60 trillion or so cells immune system and so on. This becomes a slippery slope for sure because ultimately there goes your ability reason, to think correctly and then consider this: At that point it’s just a matter of Decoding and Manipulating these electrical frequency impulses to your brain and that’s it! Everything you perceive, think, do, and even believe will be controlled. Then there is educational process from birth where most have received degrees of programing where you are taught what to think and not How to think. To finish up on this don’t forget that we now are literally living in an electronic soup with the wireless technology which of course is far from the frequency of your cells and also addictive. So are you really sure that your brain is receiving and decoding the correct electrical impulses, and what kind of reality is it that you think you perceive? Like Bruce Lipton says it best: “The movie Matrix is in reality a documentary!” [This on u tube and a good example]  Tom Campbell and Bruce Lipton: Two Scientists "See the Same World"


Well here is an easy way to start fixing that problem by raising your frequency and a great example for you to think about. With just a couple of these largest of our S models kits [JPA or JPT – 61 + 158] the actual floor space is less than a 4x8 sheet of plywood and they will give you 316 gallons for fish and a 122 sq. ft. garden in a decorative piece of fine furniture that will enhance the interior of any home. Some talk about bugging out but to where? Wouldn’t it be better to just bug in, where you are. It’s getting to the point now the way things are today that the only real source of food that you can be sure of and really nothing compares to fresh organic live food that you and your family can grow and produce for yourselves where you live. More neighborhoods and even communities need to get involved and start growing different varieties and trading and stop buying dead food. If you don’t have enough area outside of your home or the money to set up a garden or build a greenhouse, and then of course with so many regulations and permits now building any structure or addition to your home, this is the solution.  


Here is a solution and without all the hard work and time involved in conventional gardening. All of this in a top of the line piece of furniture built to last for all those years however they come. Not only will this investment come back to you in your health really knowing for sure what you are eating but just calculate how much you will save and can even generate as an income in your own home. If you are starting to get concerned with all that’s going on outside what could be better than turning the inside of your home into the perfect environment. 






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